BSNC seeks nominations for the Young Providers and Youth Culture Bearer Awards. These awards will annually recognize one young person in the region, and one young person who lives out of region, who serve as positive examples and who contribute on a daily basis to the health and well-being of their families, communities and culture.
These awards recognize young people who perpetuate Alaska Native culture and a positive lifestyle not by measure of academic or financial success, but by serving as positive examples and providing for their community in the one or more of the following ways:
The recipients will be awarded $1,000 each. The deadline for nominations is July 5, 2024. Nominations will be accepted from family members, tribal and corporation board members, school teachers or administrators and community members.
Award Criteria:
Completed nomination forms can be mailed, emailed or faxed.
Mailing address:
BSNC Nome Headquarters
P.O. Box 1008
110 Front Street, Suite 300
Nome, Alaska 99762
2023 Young Provider
Martin “Qusiq” Kimoktoak
2023 Youth Culture Bearer
Justin “Adsuna” Maxwell
2022 Young Provider
Hayley Weyiouanna Topkok
2022 Youth Culture Bearer
Nyche “Skavaq Sivulliuqti” Tyme Andrew
2021 Young Providers
Pete Katongan and Taylor Harvey
2020 Young Providers
Shayla Titus and Michael Ahkinga Jr.
2019 Young Providers
Adelaine “Addy” Ahmasuk and Trevor Savetilik
2018 Young Providers
Summer Sagoonick and Edgar Kuzuguk
2017 Young Providers
Fisher Dill and Corey Ningeulook
2016 Young Providers
Sierra Tucker and Christian “Agragiiq” Apassingok
2015 Young Providers
Heather Jackson and Nick Hanson
2014 Young Providers
Tinisha Dan and Jaylen Gologergen
2013 Young Providers
Thomas B. Pootoogooluk and Jalen R. Katchatag
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