Our Shareholders

Our Lands


The land has provided a livelihood for the residents of the Bering Strait/Seward Peninsula/Norton Sound region.

The Land Is Our Past And Our Future

BSNC is one of the primary landholders in the region accounting for more than two million acres of surface and subsurface estate. In most cases, BSNC owns the subsurface estate underlying the surface estate, which is owned by the village corporations. Here is the regional land status.

Long known for its mineral potential, the region has been successfully mined in the past and continues to offer development and mining opportunities.

Land Use

  • We encourage investment in tourism in the region.
  • Our Land and Resources Department considers land use permit requests for other activities as well.

Campsite Program

BSNC maintains a shareholder Campsite Program, which allows shareholders to select a campsite along the Kougarok Road. Certain restrictions and requirements apply.

The shareholder must construct a habitable dwelling within one year of the application’s approval and the campsite must be used on a regular basis. Most campsites measure 200 feet by 200 feet. BSNC does not issue title for the land to the applicant and no commercial operations are allowed on campsites. Applications must be filed in person at the BSNC Land and Resource Department in Nome.

For more information, contact:
Larry Pederson or Kevin Bahnke

Land Permits

BSNC manages its landholdings through an established Land Use Plan, which provides a framework for permitting various activities and ventures. All commercial activity on BSNC land undergoes a permitting process. Shareholder and descendant use of BSNC’s lands for recreational and subsistence activities is allowed and encouraged. Land Use Permits should be submitted to the BSNC Land and Resource Department.

For more information, contact:
Larry W. Pederson,
Vice President Nome Operations


Shareholder Portal

MyBSNC is an interactive special shareholder portal designed to provide BSNC shareholders information about their shareholder records.
Go to Portal

Lands Department FAQs

How much land did BSNC receive as a result of ANCSA?

BSNC received approximately 2.1 million acres. Most of this land is the subsurface estate underlying the various village corporation surface lands. The subsurface estate provides BSNC the rights to all minerals and materials contained therein. BSNC also received approximately 145,000 acres of surface and subsurface estate. These tracts are outside of the village lands and were selected for their mineral or other natural resource (including subsistence) potential.

Does BSNC sell land to shareholders or other potential buyers?

The general answer is “no.” BSNC’s policy treats the land as a shareholder-owned asset and, as such, the land cannot be sold. However, in the event of road construction or some other project that benefits the region, BSNC may sell easements. In special circumstances, BSNC may exchange lands with the federal or state government or private individuals if the interests of the corporation and shareholders are served by the exchange.

How can a shareholder use a specific tract of BSNC land?

Shareholders may apply for a campsite within the BSNC Campsite Program

Can shareholders use BSNC land for subsistence purposes?

Yes. Shareholder and descendants can use BSNC lands at any time for subsistence purposes for any period of time.

Can a non-shareholder use BSNC land for subsistence purposes?

Permanent residents of the region can use BSNC lands for subsistence uses as long as it does not interfere with the subsistence use for shareholders and descendants.

Can shareholders explore BSNC land for valuable minerals?

Yes. Shareholders need to contact the Land and Resource Department and obtain an exploration or mining agreement for mineral exploration.

Who manages fish and game on Native-owned land?

Native-owned lands are subject to all US Fish and Wildlife and State of Alaska fish and game regulations.

Can shareholders utilize BSNC land for tourism, guiding or other profit-making ventures?

Yes, but they need to obtain a land use permit. The terms, conditions and fees for such activities must be determined prior to any such activity. BSNC encourages shareholders who would like to develop profit-making ventures to contact the Land and Resource Department.

Can shareholders and non-shareholders dig for artifacts on BSNC land?

No. BSNC does not allow unauthorized digging for artifacts on BSNC land. Archaeological materials are considered part of the surface estate. Unauthorized removal of archaeological materials from village or regional corporation land is illegal. BSNC will prosecute individuals who illegally remove artifacts from BSNC land.

Does BSNC allow trespass?

Trespass is a difficult crime to enforce and prosecute. BSNC will pursue cases of trespass and will notify the Alaska State Troopers when trespass occurs.

Can I take a 4-wheeler or SUV across BSNC land?

Only where there are existing trails and/or easements. This policy helps preserve the fragile tundra environment.

Where can I find out where BSNC lands are and what I might do on BSNC lands?

Contact the BSNC Land and Resource department. They will be happy to answer questions.





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Safety for Our People

Across the BSNC family of companies, nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of our people.

OFFICESWhere to find us?
Bering Straits Native Corporation is headquartered in Nome, has a business office in Anchorage and site locations and offices across the U.S.
3301 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503
PO Box 1008. 110 Front Street, Suite 300, Nome, Alaska 99762
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OFFICESBering Straits Native Corporation
OFFICESWhere to find us?
BSNC is headquartered in Nome, has a business office in Anchorage and site locations and offices across the U.S.
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
3301 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503
PO Box 1008. 110 Front Street, Suite 300, Nome, Alaska 99762
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