Our Shareholders

Photo Contest

2025 BSNC Photo Contest

BSNC is now accepting photo contest submissions for its 2025 Annual Photo Contest! BSNC shareholders, descendants and family members of shareholders are invited to submit photos into the following categories below. This is your chance to showcase your talent and capture the beauty of our communities. Share your unique perspectives and stories through the lens of your camera. 

This year, we have added a special contest category, “Our Youth, Our Future.” Submit a photo that highlights the youth in your life and their connection to our shared heritage and future. Each category has three awards, and an overall grand prize will be awarded! 


Grand Prize: 50,000 Alaska Airlines Miles 
1st Place: Apple AirPods Max  
2nd Place: Nintendo Switch 
3rd Place: $200 Visa Gift Card 

Rules and Specifications

  • Only digital images will be accepted, and they must be no smaller than 750k (.75 meg) or larger than 8MB.
  • Photos should be taken of the BSNC region or be of shareholders/descendants and/or the history and culture of the region.

  • Contestants must be BSNC shareholders, descendants or family members of shareholders.

  • Photos must be submitted by the original photographer or parent/guardian.

  • No borders, frames, watermarks or signatures may be added.

  • All photos submitted for this contest may be used in BSNC newsletters, annual reports, other printed material, web pages or social media posts.

  • Please submit no more than 10 photos.

  • Submission of entries will serve as acknowledgment and acceptance of all contest rules.

Email photos to photos@bsnc.net. Please include the following information with your submission:
  • Photographer’s name and address.
  • Location where the photo was taken.
  • Category the photo should be entered into.
The deadline to submit photos is Friday, March 14, 2025.

By submitting photos to BSNC, you certify that the photograph(s) submitted are your original work and that you hold all necessary rights, including copyright, to the image(s)You agree to grant BSNC a non-exclusive, royalty-free right to use, modifyreproduce, and distribute the images in promotional materials, on its website, and across its social media platforms. If your photograph includes recognizable individuals, you confirm that you obtained their consent to be photographed and to allow their image to be used in accordance with these termsFor minors, consent must be obtained from their legal guardians  


  • Our Youth, Our Future: The youth are Elders in training and our future leaders. Share photos of the youth in your life and their connection to our shared heritage and future. 
  • Village Life: Illustrate the vibrant and unique aspects of life in our villages. 
  • Scenery and Landscape: Showcase the breathtaking beauty of our surroundings and landscapes. 
  • Historical: Research your family or community history and present it through a visual narrative. 
  • Subsistence and Cultural Activities: Highlight the traditions, activities and practices that sustain our culture. 




Enter your world of Shareholder resources and information. MyBSNC Portal will give you access to your records.

Safety for Our People

Across the BSNC family of companies, nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of our people.

OFFICESWhere to find us?
Bering Straits Native Corporation is headquartered in Nome, has a business office in Anchorage and site locations and offices across the U.S.
3301 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503
PO Box 1008. 110 Front Street, Suite 300, Nome, Alaska 99762
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OFFICESBering Straits Native Corporation
OFFICESWhere to find us?
BSNC is headquartered in Nome, has a business office in Anchorage and site locations and offices across the U.S.
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
3301 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503
PO Box 1008. 110 Front Street, Suite 300, Nome, Alaska 99762
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Follow BSNC for news, updates, stories, and opportunities to share in this journey.
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