I hope you are enjoying a productive summer. While looking at past issues, I came across an old article by my late brother and former president of BSNC, Tim Towarak. There is a photograph of “9 Eskimos on a Whale” from the book “Here is Alaska” by Evelyn Stefansson. In the photograph are my late father Clarence Towarak Sr. and some of my uncles. Reflecting on the photograph, my brother Tim wrote, “To me, it is a reflection of time and is a historical statement on our Native subsistence way of life. It is a reflection of how our people survived in some of the harshest climate conditions in North America. And it also reflects how Natives think in terms of community rather than as competitive individuals, which seems to be the norm in non-indigenous cultures. It is also a reflection of happiness being expressed by all nine young men.”
Tim’s words resonated with me recently when I traveled to Washington, D.C. on behalf of our corporation to meet with our nation’s policy makers. It is a constant struggle to educate people about our culture and native way of life. Even after more than 50 years, many people I meet with still don’t know about the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act or what a native corporation is.
Claiming ownership of the land must have sounded as ridiculous to our ancestors as someone claiming to own the sun and demanding payment for its warmth. The concept of deeded land was foreign to our ancestors. No one could own the land, we are partners with it, we take care of the land, and the land sustains us. It was there long before we were, and it will be there long after us.
Recently, we were all shaken by the catastrophic fire in the community of Stebbins that burned down over half the teachers’ housing and the entire school. The Stebbins fire revealed the ongoing need for better fire prevention. Working together we will build back even better.
I encourage all shareholders and descendants to vote in the upcoming national and statewide elections. Your vote is important and matters. Please also remember to mail in or vote your BSNC proxy online. By voting, you will be eligible for one of the many proxy prizes. Learn more at beringstraits.com/annualmeeting.
Thank you again for your continued involvement in BSNC. I am looking forward to meeting with you at the Annual Meeting in Nome and at AFN in Anchorage. Here’s to a future defined by strength, growth and the courage to be humble. You all hold a very special place in my heart.
Cindy Massie