In appreciation for their accomplishments in maintaining our traditional lifestyle and their determination to share their valuable cultural knowledge with our youth, the following Elders will be recognized at the 2020 Annual Meeting of Shareholders that will take place virtually at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020:
Larry F. Fagerstrom Sr. – Golovin Native Corporation
Joseph Kunnuk Sr. – King Island Native Corporation
Virginia Menadelook – Mary’s Igloo Native Corporation
Edgar Jackson Sr. – Shaktoolik Native Corporation
Ida Ruth Nayokpuk – Shishmaref Native Corporation
Homer E. Hoogendorn – Sitnasuak Native Corporation
Carol Piscoya – Sitnasuak Native Corporation
Blanche Cragle – Unalakleet Native Corporation
Joseph Senungetuk – Wales Native Corporation
Phillip Brown – White Mountain Native Corporation
BSNC thanks these esteemed Elders for their tireless efforts to promote, advance and perpetuate the traditions, culture and heritage of the Bering Strait region.