A vacancy has occurred on the Board of Directors of Bering Straits Native Corporation. The board will consider an appointment to this seat at a special meeting to be held in July 2022. In accordance with the corporate bylaws, the person appointed to fill the vacancy will serve until the annual shareholder meeting in 2023.
Any voting shareholder over the age of 18 years interested in being considered for appointment to fill the vacancy must file with BSNC a letter of interest, current resume and disclosure questionnaire NO LATER THAN JUNE 30, 2022.
To request a questionnaire, contact Peggy A. Hoogendorn or Kimberly Gooden at 907-443-5252. The completed questionnaire, letter of interest, and current resume must be received by the deadline of June 30, 2022. They may also be delivered to BSNC by 5 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time on June 30, 2022, as follows: Bering Straits Native Corporation, 110 Front Street Suite 300, Nome, AK, faxed to 907-443-2985, or emailed to phoogendorn@beringstraits.com or kgooden@beringstraits.com. You may also deliver to BSNC, 3301 C Street Suite 100, Anchorage, AK.