BSNC Announces Support to In-Region Nonprofits

April 5, 2016by Media

Matt Ganley
BSNC Vice President of Media & External Affairs
(907) 632-7197

(Nome, Alaska) – The Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC) Board of Directors announced a major $150,000 contribution to the Northwestern Alaska Career and Technical Center (NACTEC), as well as $10,000 donations to each of the Bering Sea Women’s Group (BSWG) and the Nome Emergency Shelter Team (NEST).

“BSNC is proud to support organizations that make a positive difference in the Bering Strait region,” said BSNC President & CEO Gail R. Schubert. “NACTEC is a well-run regional vocational center located in Nome. It is a joint venture between the Bering Straits School District and Nome Public Schools and provides incredibly important training, skills and resources to students to prepare them for high school graduation, post-secondary education and careers. BSWG provides a safe haven for women and children who are the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or other violent crimes and NEST provides overnight winter shelter and meals to adults in need.”

“BSNC’s support of NACTEC has contributed to a 66% growth in student enrollment at NACTEC over the past seven years. Graduation rates have climbed during this time from a low of 32% in 2008 to a high of 84% in 2015, the 2nd highest graduation rate in Alaska,” said NACTEC Director Douglas J. Walrath. “BSNC’s support of NACTEC is making a profound difference and impact in our region, to which we are so thankful to be partners for seven years running.”

OFFICESWhere to find us?
Bering Straits Native Corporation is headquartered in Nome, has a business office in Anchorage and site locations and offices across the U.S.
3301 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503
PO Box 1008. 110 Front Street, Suite 300, Nome, Alaska 99762
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OFFICESBering Straits Native Corporation
OFFICESWhere to find us?
BSNC is headquartered in Nome, has a business office in Anchorage and site locations and offices across the U.S.
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
3301 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503
PO Box 1008. 110 Front Street, Suite 300, Nome, Alaska 99762
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