January 20, 2021Protocol for Anchorage Employees
Dear Anchorage Employees,
The Anchorage office remains closed to everyone except critical staff who receive written notification from their supervisor that they must access the office. Employees who are not approved to be on-site are directed to continue working from home until further notice from BSNC that the office has reopened.
If you are approved to be on-site the Anchorage office, please take note of the following:
1. Effective immediately, ALL employees accessing the 3301 C Street building must sign in at the front desk of the main floor and have their temperature taken. There will two containers of pens at the front desk – one clean and one used. These pens will be sanitized every day.
2. PPE materials will be available for staff at the front desk, including masks, hand sanitizer and gloves.
3. Masks must always be worn unless you are in your individual office. If your desk is in an open cubicle space – a mask must always be worn. Masks are required in communal areas of the office where people from multiple households may be present. This includes elevators, break rooms, stairways, office supply areas, the lobby and restrooms. Should you need a mask, please contact the front desk or email miriam.aarons@beringstraits.com.
Employees in other Anchorage locations should continue to comply with their existing site policies and procedures. COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Anchorage, and we ask all employees to remain extra vigilant. We care about the wellbeing of our employees and urge you to keep your bubble of close contacts as small as possible and avoid large gatherings.
BSNC continues to closely monitor the guidelines provided by the CDC and state health officials regarding the pandemic. Any employee who is traveling for any reason is required to check the health mandates for both the location they are traveling to and Alaska mandates upon return. Please email any questions you may have to health@bsnc.net.
November 25, 2020Continued Office Closure
The Company continues to monitor ongoing developments related to COVID-19. The Anchorage and Nome offices remain closed to all employees except the Vice Presidents and those employees who have been pre-authorized to enter the office for a specific purpose, such as to retrieve files or other documents needed to facilitate their work from home, or maintain critical business operations, with the specific approval of their department Vice President. No employees except for the Vice Presidents may enter and work in the office on a regular basis.
We ask that all employees continue to practice COVID-19 risk-reducing measures (from the State of Alaska website):
• Wash your hands
• Wear a mask when around others
• Stay at least 6 feet away from others when possible
• Keep your interactions and circles small when possible.
• Even for mild symptoms get tested.
All employees located in Anchorage are asked to review and comply with the updated Municipality of Anchorage Emergency Order: https://www.muni.org/covid-19/documents/signed%20eo-16.pdf
Please stay safe this holiday season and contact your supervisor or email health@bsnc.net if you have any questions.
October 20, 2020Protocol Changes for Employees Approved to be in Anchorage Office
New protocols have been implemented, effective immediately, for employees approved to be working on-site in the Anchorage office. The Anchorage office remains closed to everyone except critical staff who receive written notification from their supervisor that they must access the office. Employees who are not approved to be on-site are directed to continue working from home until further notice from BSNC that the office has reopened.
If you are approved to be on-site the Anchorage office, please take note of the following:
1. Effective immediately, ALL employees accessing the 3301 C Street building must sign in at the front desk of the main floor and have their temperature taken. There will two containers of pens at the front desk – one clean and one used. These pens will be sanitized every day.
2. PPE materials will be available for staff at the front desk, including masks, hand sanitizer and gloves.
3. Masks must always be worn unless you are in your individual office. If your desk is in an open cubicle space – a mask must always be worn. Masks are required in communal areas of the office where people from multiple households may be present. This includes elevators, break rooms, stairways, office supply areas, the lobby and restrooms. Should you need a mask, please contact the front desk or email miriam.aarons@beringstraits.com.
Employees in other Anchorage locations should continue to comply with their existing site policies and procedures. COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Anchorage, and we ask all employees to remain extra vigilant. We care about the wellbeing of our employees and urge you to keep your bubble of close contacts as small as possible and avoid large gatherings.
BSNC continues to closely monitor the guidelines provided by the CDC and state health officials regarding the pandemic. Any employee who is traveling for any reason is required to check the health mandates for both the location they are traveling to and Alaska mandates upon return. Please email any questions you may have to health@bsnc.net.
August 18, 2020BSNC Offices to Remain Closed
As precautionary measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, BSNC’s Nome and Anchorage offices remain closed until further notice. Shareholders may contact BSNC’s Shareholder Department via phone, email and MyBSNC. The Shareholder Department can be reached toll-free at 1-800-478-5079 or by email at shareholders@beringstraits.com. Shareholders are encouraged to utilize MyBSNC, the online portal that provides our shareholders the ability to sign-up for direct deposit as well as access and update their records conveniently from home.
✅Sign up for Direct Deposit
✅Update Address and Contact Preferences
✅View Dividends and Distributions
✅View Stock Information
✅Download Stock Will Form
✅View and Manage Ward Information
✅Income Verification
✅Shareholder Verification
Visit www.beringstraits.com to sign up today.
July 13, 2020Message to Anchorage Office Employees
Dear Anchorage Employees,
As a precautionary measure and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Anchorage office remains closed to everyone except critical staff who receive written notification from their supervisor that they must access the office to perform work as needed. Employees who are not approved to be on-site are directed to continue working from home until further notice from BSNC that the office has reopened.
If an employee wishes to work in the office, he or she must receive written approval in advance from the Vice President (or his or her designee) of the applicable department. No employee may enter the office for any reason without receiving advance written authorization from the Vice President or his/her designee.
The following will be required for all employees who are on the list of personnel approved to work in the office, or who are approved to be in the office for a limited period during each month:
1. Complete the daily employee screenings (form to be provided by the employee’s supervisor) prior to arrival at the office.
2. Read and sign the Corporate In-Office Work (during COVID-19) Guidelines and Expectations document provided to those employees who are requested by a Vice President or his or her designee to work in the office.
3. Abide by mask and social distancing requirements if approved to be in the office, including:
Masks are required in communal areas of the office where people from multiple households may be present. This includes elevators, break rooms, stairways, office supply areas, the lobby and restrooms.
Should you need a mask, please contact miriam.aarons@beringstraits.com.
Employees in other Anchorage locations should continue to comply with their existing site policies and procedures.
Employees must maintain physical distance and increase physical space between work spaces, avoid large gatherings and meetings, reduce or eliminate trips to breakrooms, refrain from handshaking and encourage the use of other noncontact methods of greetings. BSNC encourages employees to frequently wash or sanitize their hands.
July 1, 2020BSNC Remains Closed
As precautionary measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, BSNC remains closed until further notice. Shareholders may contact BSNC’s Shareholder Department via phone, email and MyBSNC. The Shareholder Department can be reached toll-free at 1-800-478-5079 or by email at shareholders@beringstraits.com. Shareholders are encouraged to utilize MyBSNC, the online portal that provides our shareholders the ability to sign-up for direct deposit as well as access and update their records conveniently from home..
✅Sign up for Direct Deposit
✅Update Address and Contact Preferences
✅View Dividends and Distributions
✅View Stock Information
✅Download Stock Will Form
✅View and Manage Ward Information
✅Income Verification
✅Shareholder Verification
Visit www.beringstraits.com to sign up today.
June 29, 2020Masks Required in Anchorage Office
Dear Anchorage Employees,
The safety, health and wellbeing of Our People is BSNC's top priority. Although BSNC's Anchorage office remains closed to employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a very small number of people have been approved to be onsite by their supervisor and senior management. Anchorage Mayor Berkowitz has issued a proclamation of an additional emergency order effective today, Monday, June 29 that requires masks or cloth face coverings over noses and mouths in indoor public or communal settings. Effective immediately, employees in the BSNC office at 3301 C Street must comply with the following:
• Masks are required in communal areas of offices where people from multiple households are present. This includes elevators, break rooms, stairways, office supply areas, the lobby and in bathrooms.
• Should you need a mask, please contact Miriam Aarons at miriam.aarons@beringstraits.com and she will supply you with one.
• Employees in other Anchorage locations should continue to comply with their existing company and site policies and procedures.
This proclamation will remain in effect until 11:59 July 31, 2020, unless extended or revoked sooner. If you have any questions, please email health@beringstraits.com.
As a reminder, employees exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 should not enter the C Street building, and should notify their supervisor for direction.
June 1, 2020BSNC Remains Closed
As precautionary measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, BSNC remains closed to all visitors and most employees at all office locations until further notice. The Anchorage and Nome office locations remain closed to everyone except critical staff who receive notification from their supervisor that they must access the office to perform work as needed.
BSNC’s Shareholder Department continues to serve our shareholders remotely via phone and internet. The Shareholder Department can be reached toll-free at 1-800-478-5079 or by email at shareholders@beringstraits.com. Shareholders are encouraged to utilize MyBSNC, the online portal that provides our shareholders the ability to sign-up for direct deposit and access their records conveniently from home. Visit www.beringstraits.com to sign up today.
Looking forward, BSNC anticipates a phased reopening. We have been notified by JL Properties that effective immediately, all employees and visitors at BSNC’s 3301 C Street Office must wear masks in all common areas and no more than 4 people may be in an elevator at any time. Employees must maintain physical distance and increase physical space between work spaces, avoid large gatherings and meetings, reduce or eliminate trips to breakrooms, refrain from handshaking and encourage the use of other noncontact methods of greetings. BSNC encourages employees to wear masks and frequently wash or sanitize their hands while in the office. Supplies are readily available for employees to disinfect their work environments and frequently touched surfaces (keyboards, telephones, office door handles, etc.) daily.
Employees who do not feel well must stay home and sick employees should follow CDC or local health department recommended steps and should not return to work until criteria is met. BSNC is closely monitoring and implementing the guidelines provided by the CDC and state health officials regarding the pandemic and will provide updates including on BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource webpage at www.beringstraits.com/covid-19-update/. We are happy to answer any questions you may have via email at health@bsnc.net.
Quyaana for your patience and understanding in this unprecedented and ever-evolving situation.
May 19, 2020COVID-19 State Public Health Updates
Local and state public health mandates change often during these unprecedented times and employees are asked to abide by orders in their locality. Prior to traveling please check your local health department website prior and visit www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/healthdirectories/healthdepartments.html to access links to the latest information from U.S. state health departments.
May 18, 2020BSNC Remains Closed
As precautionary measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, BSNC remains closed to all visitors and most employees at all office locations until further notice. The Anchorage and Nome office locations remain closed to everyone except critical staff who receive notification from their supervisor that they must access the office to perform work as needed.
BSNC’s Shareholder Department continues to serve our shareholders remotely via phone and internet. The Shareholder Department can be reached toll-free at 1-800-478-5079 or by email at shareholders@beringstraits.com. Shareholders are encouraged to utilize MyBSNC, the online portal that provides our shareholders the ability to sign-up for direct deposit and access their records conveniently from home. Visit www.beringstraits.com to sign up today.
Looking forward, BSNC anticipates a phased reopening. We have been notified by JL Properties that effective immediately, all employees and visitors at BSNC’s 3301 C Street Office must wear masks in all common areas and no more than 4 people may be in an elevator at any time. Employees must maintain physical distance and increase physical space between work spaces, avoid large gatherings and meetings, reduce or eliminate trips to breakrooms, refrain from handshaking and encourage the use of other noncontact methods of greetings. BSNC encourages employees to wear masks and frequently wash or sanitize their hands while in the office. Supplies are readily available for employees to disinfect their work environments and frequently touched surfaces (keyboards, telephones, office door handles, etc.) daily.
Employees who do not feel well must stay home and sick employees should follow CDC or local health department recommended steps and should not return to work until criteria is met. BSNC is closely monitoring and implementing the guidelines provided by the CDC and state health officials regarding the pandemic and will provide updates including on BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource webpage at www.beringstraits.com/covid-19-update/. We are happy to answer any questions you may have via email at health@bsnc.net.
Quyaana for your patience and understanding in this unprecedented and ever-evolving situation.
May 10, 2020City of Nome in Phase II of Reopening
The City of Nome is following guidelines that follow the Reopen Alaska Responsibly Plan that has been set forth by the Governor of Alaska. As of May 8, Phase II implementation of the plan will go into effect. During this phase the City of Nome will allow:
Local retail businesses, restaurants, personal care services and offices to reopen and welcome a 50% capacity of customers at one time.
Local bars and the movie theater will be allowed to reopen and welcome a 25% capacity of costumers at one time.
Customers can dine-in at restaurants and bars.
Social and religious gatherings can include up to 50 people if social distancing is maintained.
City of Nome facilities with a high volume of public use, including the Nome Recreation Center, Swimming Pool, Richard Foster Building, Visitor Center, and Mini Convention Center, will begin staged reopening plans in June 2020.
During this reopening phase it is important to remember to practice good hygiene and wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing and stay 6 feet away from non-household members and to stay home if you are sick.
If you have any questions, please contact City Manager Glenn Steckman at 907-443-6600.
May 1, 2020BSNC remains closed
As precautionary measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, BSNC remains closed to all visitors and most employees at all office locations until further notice. The Anchorage and Nome office locations remain closed to everyone except critical staff who receive notification from their supervisor that they must access the office to perform work as needed.
BSNC’s Shareholder Department continues to serve our shareholders remotely via phone and internet. The Shareholder Department can be reached toll-free at 1-800-478-5079 or by email at shareholders@beringstraits.com. Shareholders are encouraged to utilize MyBSNC, the online portal that provides our shareholders the ability to sign-up for direct deposit and access their records conveniently from home. Visit www.beringstraits.com to sign up today.
Looking forward, BSNC anticipates a phased reopening. We have been notified by JL that effective immediately, all employees and visitors at BSNC’s 3301 C Street Office must wear masks in all common areas and no more than 4 people may be in an elevator at any time. Employees must maintain physical distance and increase physical space between work spaces, avoid large gatherings and meetings, reduce or eliminate trips to breakrooms, refrain from handshaking and encourage the use of other noncontact methods of greetings. BSNC encourages employees to wear masks and frequently wash or sanitize their hands while in the office. Supplies are readily available for employees to disinfect their work environments and frequently touched surfaces (keyboards, telephones, office door handles, etc.) daily.
Employees who do not feel well must stay home and sick employees should follow CDC or local health department recommended steps and should not return to work until criteria is met. BSNC is closely monitoring and implementing the guidelines provided by the CDC and state health officials regarding the pandemic and will provide updates including on BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource webpage at www.beringstraits.com/covid-19-update/. We are happy to answer any questions you may have via email at health@bsnc.net.
Quyana for your patience and understanding in this unprecedented and ever-evolving situation.
April 12, 2020COVID-19 National Emergency
Due to circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the national emergency declaration, the Department of Homeland Security is extending the REAL ID enforcement deadline by a year. The new deadline for REAL ID enforcement is Oct. 1, 2021.
April 10, 2020COVID-19 Message from Gail
On behalf of the Bering Straits Native Corporation Board of Directors and leadership team, I want to update our shareholders on how the company is weathering the COVID-19 pandemic to date. I am thankful to report to you that overall, the company continues to perform well.
There have been some challenges. As you may know, the Aurora Inn & Suites is temporarily closed until further notice. This action was taken out of an abundance of caution due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety, comfort and well-being of guests, hotel employees and the community of Nome remain the Aurora Inn & Suites’ highest priority. The Aurora Inn & Suites looks forward to resuming normal operations when the time is appropriate.
While the pandemic has caused other disruptions and delays, these are not expected to have a significant impact on BSNC’s overall business operations and revenue. I want to sincerely thank all of BSNC’s employees for how they have quickly adapted to working remotely so that we can continue to serve our customers and shareholders.
Nothing is more important than the health and well-being of Our People. Please continue to take care of yourselves, your families and your communities by following social distancing mandates and other COVID-19 guidelines. Even though we are unable to gather together in person with family and friends, I encourage you to stay connected online, via the phone and to check on our Elders and those who may be alone.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your corporation as we navigate these challenging times. As we begin to celebrate this special Easter weekend, may we remember to always take care of one another, and may you and your family remain safe, healthy and blessed. Happy Easter to all of you.
Gail R. Schubert
BSNC President & CEO
April 6, 2020CDC Recommends Cloth Masks
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). The CDC advises the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.
March 24, 2020COVID-19 Aurora Inn & Suites Closure Notice
Effective immediately, the Aurora Inn & Suites is temporarily closed until further notice. This action was taken out of an abundance of caution due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Aurora Inn & Suites looks forward to resuming normal operations when the time is appropriate. The safety, comfort and well-being of our guests, hotel employees and our home community of Nome remain the Aurora Inn & Suites’ highest priority. The Aurora Inn & Suites will keep the community of Nome informed of any changes in circumstances. We thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate the uncertainties this pandemic has caused.
March 15, 2020BSNC is restricting access to visitors
BSNC is restricting access to all visitors at all of its office locations through the end of March. This is a precautionary measure to maximize social distancing in order to limit potential transmission of the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
The health and safety of BSNC shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work and live remain BSNC’s top priority. Our next priority is to safeguard our mission capabilities.
BSNC’s Shareholder Department will remain open and will continue to serve shareholders via phone and the internet. The Shareholder Department can be reached at toll-free at 1-800-478-5079 or by email at shareholders@beringstraits.com. Shareholders are also encouraged to utilize MyBSNC, the interactive portal designed to provide BSNC shareholders the ability to sign up for direct deposit and access their shareholder records. Visit www.beringstraits.com to sign up today.
BSNC will continue to closely monitor guidance from the CDC and state health agencies regarding this pandemic and continuously update its shareholders, employees, business partners and customers through its regular communication channels, including the Agluktuk newsletter, our social media outlets and on BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource webpage at www.beringstraits.com/covid-19-update/. We are happy to answer any questions you may have via email at health@bsnc.net.
March 15, 2020COVID-19 Message from Gail
Dear Shareholders,
Many are understandably concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. While the overall risk to the public is currently low, we want you to know that we are taking this pandemic very seriously. As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves, the health and safety of BSNC shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work and live remain BSNC’s top priority. While BSNC is not currently experiencing any significant disruption to its business operations, we are prepared with resources to continue providing optimal and uninterrupted service to our customers and shareholders.
Many companies, schools, governments, organizations and cities have acted swiftly to postpone or cancel events to safeguard against the transmission of COVID-19. Many of you may know that BSNC postponed its Shareholder Informational Meeting that was scheduled to take place in Tulalip, Washington on Saturday, March 28. I care deeply about protecting the health and safety of BSNC shareholders, employees and the public. When I made the decision to postpone this informational meeting, I also thought of the healthcare providers at the frontlines battling this pandemic, tasked with the challenge of keeping our communities healthy. BSNC has not yet selected a new date for this informational meeting. As we explore options for new dates, please know that our priority is the health and safety of our shareholders.
I understand and empathize with many of our shareholders’ concerns and fears about this virus. The historical memory of the 1918 flu pandemic and the catastrophic effects it had on the population of our region has not been forgotten.
We Alaska Native people have thrived in remarkably difficult conditions for thousands of years. We are resilient. We adapt to changes and yet remain steadfast in our tradition of looking out for each other. I am confident that we will get through this public health crisis.
While COVID-19 is serious, with preparation and planning, you can help protect yourselves and your loved ones. I encourage you to take the following actions in addition to common hygiene measures:
Create a household plan:
• Before a COVID-19 outbreak occurs in your community, it is important to identify the needs of each individual at home and to plan for those who might be at greater risk for serious complications.
• Communicate with your neighbors about emergency planning.
• Designate a separate room and commodities for those who get sick.
• Be prepared for childcare facilities to be temporarily dismissed as well as changes at your workplace setting.
• Create an emergency contact list.
If a COVID-19 outbreak does occur in your community, here is some interim guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
• Practice social distancing by limiting close contact with others as much as possible (about 6 feet).
• Stay at home from work, school and all other activities when you are sick.
• Stay away from others who are sick.
• If possible, sick household members should use a separate bedroom and bathroom.
• Discourage kids and teens from gathering in public places and in groups if school is dismissed.
BSNC will continue to closely monitor guidance from the CDC and state health agencies regarding this pandemic and continuously update its shareholders through its regular communication channels, including the Agluktuk newsletter, our social media outlets and on BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource webpage at www.beringstraits.com/covid-19-update/. We are happy to answer any questions you may have via email at health@bsnc.net.
We pray that you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy.
Gail R. Schubert
BSNC President & CEO
March 13, 2020COVID-19 Message to Staff
Memo To Staff: What BSNC Is Doing
Many employees are understandably concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves, the health and safety of BSNC shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work and live remain BSNC’s top priority. While the overall risk to the public is currently low, BSNC is taking this pandemic and its disruptions to our employees’ lives very seriously.
BSNC activated its Crisis Management Team in early March. This team meets on a daily basis to monitor and respond to updates that are coming in from project sites across Alaska, the U.S. and the world. While BSNC is not currently experiencing any significant disruption to its business operations, BSNC is prepared with resources to continue providing optimal and uninterrupted service to our customers. BSNC is ready to adjust its guidance to employees in response to new recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health agencies regarding this pandemic.
BSNC will continuously update its employees through email and on BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource webpage at www.beringstraits.com/covid-19-update/. Should you have any questions, please consult your manager or feel free to email at health@bsnc.net.
We ask all employees to cooperate in taking steps to reduce the transmission of communicable diseases in the workplace. Employees are reminded of the following:
Stay home when you are sick.
Wash your hands frequently with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
Cover your mouth with tissues whenever you sneeze, and discard used tissues in the trash.
Avoid people who are sick with respiratory symptoms.
Clean frequently touched surfaces.
Create a household plan:
Before a COVID-19 outbreak occurs in your community, it is important to identify the needs ofeach individual at home and to plan for those who might be at greater risk for serious complications.
Communicate with your neighbors about emergency planning.
Designate a separate room and commodities for those who get sick.
Be prepared for childcare facilities to be temporarily dismissed as well as changes at your workplace setting.
Create an emergency contact list.
If a COVID-19 outbreak does occur in your community, here is some interim guidance provided by the CDC:
Practice social distancing by limiting close contact with others as much as possible (about 6 feet).
Stay at home from work, school and all other activities when you are sick.
Stay away from others who are sick.
If possible, sick household members should use a separate bedroom and bathroom.
Discourage kids and teens from gathering in public places and in groups if school is dismissed.
Safety is a core company value and top priority. BSNC reserves the right to adopt additional policies and procedures on a case-by-case basis. As we move forward, we thank you for your care and for taking necessary precautions.
March 12, 2020COVID-19 Interim Guidance
Interim Guidance for COVID-19 Outbreak Planning
The current novel coronavirus outbreak, also known as COVID-19, has the potential to impact and disrupt our lives. Planning is important. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages people to prepare for the possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak in your community. Depending on the severity of the outbreak, public health officials may recommend community actions designed to help keep people healthy and slow the spread of the outbreak.
Create a household plan:
Before a COVID-19 outbreak occurs in your community, it is important to identify the needs of each individual at home and to plan for those who might be at greater risk for serious complications.
Communicate with your neighbors about emergency planning.
Designate a separate room and commodities for those who get sick.
Be prepared for childcare facilities to be temporarily dismissed as well as changes at your workplace setting.
Create an emergency contact list.
If a COVID-19 outbreak does occur in your community, here is some interim guidance provided by the CDC:
Limit close contact with others as much as possible (about 6 feet).
Stay at home from work, school and all other activities when you are sick.
Stay away from others who are sick.
If possible, sick household members should use a separate room and bathroom.
Discourage kids and teens from gathering in public places and in groups if school is dismissed.
For more detailed information from the CDC on preparing for COVID-19, please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/home/get-your-household-ready-for-COVID-19.html
March 12, 2020COVID-19 BSNC Cancels Second Friday Art Showing
As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves, the health and safety of BSNC shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work and live remain BSNC’s top priority. BSNC is canceling its second Friday art showing scheduled to take place this Friday, March 13 at its Anchorage office. BSNC will continuously update its shareholders regarding the COVID-19 pandemic through its regular communication channels, including the Agluktuk newsletter, our social media outlets and on BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource website at https://beringstraits.com/covid-19-update/. We are happy to answer any questions you may have via email at health@bsnc.net.
March 11, 2020COVID-19 Memo to Staff
BSNC continues to closely monitor guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19). BSNC asks all employees to visit the CDC’s website (www.cdc.gov) for the most up-to-date information about COVID-19. BSNC also encourages employees to visit BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource webpage at https://beringstraits.com/covid-19-update/.
Based on the CDC’s guidance, BSNC recommends that employees strongly consider getting a flu shot if they have not already done so. Here are reasons why:
• The flu shot prevents the common influenza (flu) virus, which causes thousands of hospital admissions and deaths each year.
• A new report from the CDC shows that this year’s flu vaccine is providing substantial protection against the flu, especially among children, who are being hit harder than usual this year.
• Because flu activity is still high and could likely continue into late spring, the CDC recommends getting your flu shot if you have not done so already.
• Although the seasonal flu vaccine cannot protect you from COVID-19 directly, you maybe more likely to develop severe pneumonia if you contract both diseases simultaneously.
• By avoiding the flu, you may also avoid making a trip to the doctor in the middle of aCOVID-19 epidemic, when health care workers and health care resources may be overwhelmed with other patients.
Flu shots are available at your local pharmacy or medical clinic and generally covered by employee’s health insurance. Employees who need scheduling flexibility to get the shot should work with their supervisor or manager to allow time before or after work, or during a lunch period to accomplish this.
BSNC’s Employee Assistance Program, operated by Cigna, provides information and resources related to COVID-19. Employees or their family members may call 1-800-538-3543 or visit http://www.cignalap.com/.
Safety is a core company value. The health and safety of BSNC employees, shareholders and the communities in which we work and live remain our top priority. As we move forward, we thank you for your care and for taking necessary precautions. If you have any additional questions, please email health@bsnc.net.
March 4, 2020COVID-19 BSNC Postpones Shareholder Informational Meeting
BSNC is postponing its Shareholder Informational Meeting that was scheduled to take place in Tulalip, Washington on Saturday, March 28. This postponement is due to uncertainties raised by the spread of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves, the health and safety of BSNC shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work and live remain our top priority. BSNC looks forward to rescheduling the Informational Meeting and thanks shareholders for your understanding.
BSNC is closely monitoring guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Everyone can do their part to help plan, prepare, and respond to this emerging public health threat by visiting the CDC’s website (www.cdc.gov) for updates and information about COVID-19. As we move forward, we thank you for your care and for taking necessary precautions.
March 3, 2020COVID-19 Memo To Staff
As the novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) outbreak evolves and continues to create uncertainties, the health and safety of BSNC employees, shareholders and the communities in which we work and live remain our top priority. BSNC is closely monitoring guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). BSNC asks all employees to visit the CDC’s website (www.cdc.gov) for information about COVID-19. Based on the CDC’s guidance, BSNC advises employees of the following:
• BSNC is restricting non-essential business travel through the month of March. Travel exceptions will require senior leadership approval and are limited to instances that are essential to BSNC’s operations, can only be completed by being physically present and do not create an unacceptable health hazard.
• If you are traveling on personal leave, please check the CDC’s Information for Travel (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html) for guidance and recommendations. Please inform your supervisor if you are traveling to countries with sustained or widespread sustained transmission of COVID-19 or states that have reported instances of COVID-19 infections.
• Per CDC guidelines, BSNC encourages employees to maintain social distancing between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Please refrain from handshakes.
• Employees who have symptoms of any acute respiratory or viral illness should contact their supervisor, stay home and use leave or PTO until they are free of fever (100.4° F or greater using an oral thermometer).
• Per CDC guidelines, BSNC advises employees to wash their hands frequently and vigorously with soap and water for 20 seconds, refrain from touching their face and to perform routine environmental cleaning of all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, such as workstations, countertops and doorknobs.
• Employees who are well but who have a sick family member in their household diagnosed with COVID-19 should stay home, notify their supervisor and refer to CDC guidance for how to conduct a risk assessment (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/risk-assessment.html) of their potential exposure.
• BSNC reserves the right to adopt additional procedures on a case-by-case basis.
BSNC encourages employees to continue to visit this page, BSNC’s COVID-19 public resource website. Safety is a core company value and top priority and BSNC will continue to actively monitor the COVID-19 outbreak. As we move forward, we thank you for your care and for taking necessary precautions. If you have any additional questions, please email health@bsnc.net.