The Arctic Arc Peace Project (1986-1991) was composed of two landmark sculptures by shareholder artist Joe Senungetuk from Ki igin (Wales) and David Barr of Michigan. The “hand,” located in Kiŋigin, symbolizes a peaceful handshake between the Alaska and Chukotka Inuit amidst a history of international tension dating back to the Cold War. The hand and the bird it holds face west for a reason: a large metal umiaq sculpture is located approximately 60 miles directly across the Bering Strait in Naukan, Russia. The umiaq is positioned as if to sail across to Kiŋgin.
For many years, Inuit have traveled back and forth across the Bering Strait by umiaq to visit and trade with friends and family. These landmarks stand as symbols for the relationship between Alaskan and Chukotkan Inuit. The ties between our peoples and families go back thousands of years.
Read more about the Arctic Arc in a Village Life Stories entry by shareholder Vernae Angnaboogok at