Bering Strait Regional Energy Plan

January 23, 2015by Media

The Bering Strait Regional Energy Plan is a comprehensive regional energy plan that identifies energy issues, current infrastructure status, energy resources and community energy projects within the Bering Strait region. This plan was funded by the State of Alaska Energy Authority. Phase I, which included data collection and creating a Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) was contracted to Kawerak. Phase II, which includes community outreach and public comments for the plan is being contracted to be completed by Bering Straits Development Company. The plan identifies energy cost reduction projects resulting in a decrease in carbon emissions, improving the health and well-being of our environment and ultimately building sustainable communities. Phase III will complete the planning effort and include a financial matrix of funding sources to a regionally vetted project.

OFFICESWhere to find us?
Bering Straits Native Corporation is headquartered in Nome, has a business office in Anchorage and site locations and offices across the U.S.
3301 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503
PO Box 1008. 110 Front Street, Suite 300, Nome, Alaska 99762
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OFFICESBering Straits Native Corporation
OFFICESWhere to find us?
BSNC is headquartered in Nome, has a business office in Anchorage and site locations and offices across the U.S.
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
3301 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503
PO Box 1008. 110 Front Street, Suite 300, Nome, Alaska 99762
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