2020 Census: List of Federally Recognized Tribes in the Bering Strait Region
If you’re Alaska Native, you can help our communities and families get our fair share of federal funding by answering a two-part question on the Census questionnaire. The first part asks you to identify your ‘race?’ If you check the ‘American Indian or Alaska Native’ box, the second question asks you to list your ‘tribal affiliation.’ You will then write in your tribe(s).
Here is the list of federally recognized tribes in the Bering Strait region:
Native Village of Brevig Mission
Native Village of Council
Native Village of Diomede (Inalik)
Native Village of Elim
Native Village of Gambell
Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin)
King Island Native Community
Native Village of Koyuk
Native Village of Mary’s Igloo
Nome Eskimo Community
Native Village of Saint Michael
Native Village of Savoonga
Native Village of Shaktoolik
Native Village of Shishmaref
Village of Solomon
Stebbins Community Association
Native Village of Teller
Native Village of Unalakleet
Native Village of Wales
Native Village of White Mountain
The 2020 Census is here – make sure you are counted.